Friday, May 6, 2011

Dahi Mustard Sandwich

Heyy let me tell you one good thing.

Its summer and it will be better if we have healthy and conscious food.This sandwich can be your choice and I bet you will like it.

Try !!!

Dahi Onion Tomato Mustard Sandwich :

Bread slices : 4
Curd : 1 cup
onion: 1
tomato :1
pepper powder : 1 spoon
salt : according to taste
chilli powder: a pinch
mustard seeds : 3 spoons
oil or butter : 2 spoons

Cut onion and tomato into very small pieces,
add these to dahi,add salt ,pepper powder and chilli powder.
Now apply this to one side of a bread and cover it with other like a sand wich.

Here starts our procedure.

Take a pan , add a spoon of oil.Allow it to get hot, then add mustard seeds.
Let them splutter.Now carefully toast our sand wiches on one side,
repeat the above steps and toast the other side of sand wich.
Now our tastyy and yummy mustard dahi sandwich is ready !!!

Similarly repeat with other two slices,healthy and tasty summer breakfast is before you.

Spare time to use mustard seeds and it will be crunchy and cracking .I promise.
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